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Financial Literacy

Learn to understand and apply financial literacy skills to real world events

Financial Literacy Course

Module 1 - Why financial literacy?

As financial illiteracy rates around the world continue to remain concerningly high, it is vital that we learn and retain information on these topics. This module will teach you all you need to know in order to start your journey towards a bright financial future. You will learn the five core principles of financial literacy, managing debt, saving, and preparing for retirement.

Module 2 - How to achieve financial freedom

Module 2 builds on the topics discussed in Module 1, beginning with introductions to concepts such as earning money and forms of income. Students then learn principles of saving money and will learn the steps to creating a financial plan. This Module also provides an overview to budgeting, and offers tips to creating a successful budget. The Module finishes with a lesson on goal setting, covering specific financial goals that students should set for their future.

Module 3 - Banking

In Module 3, we will cover 5 subtopics all related to banking. Students will learn about credit and its benefits for young investors. After a thorough investigation into inflation and interest, students will then learn the power of compounding and how compounding grows their money. Students will also gain a simplified understanding of assets and liabilities, along with the ways assets and liabilities can increase net income. This module will conclude with a lesson on student loans and debt, focusing on the ways students can avoid the possibility of going into debt for the rest of their lives.

Module 1 - Fixed-Income Investments

In this first module for Chapter 2, we cover an introduction to bonds. Bonds play a fundamental role in the world and in finance, so it is crucial to understand exactly how bonds exhibit an impact on the control and regulation of money. In the module, students will learn the features and types of bonds, as well as the theoretical and practical applications of bonds.

Module 2 - Investments

In this module, we will build off the last module on fixed income investments by looking at equity investments. Equity investments are the most well-known types of investments, and by understanding the different flavors of equity investing, we can begin to see opportunities to make some money. By the end of this module, you will be able to explain the similarities and differences in stocks, mutual funds, Index Funds, and ETFs as well as the mechanics of the markets in which these securities (the things you invest in) are traded. You will also have the practical knowledge of how to open a trading account and begin your investment journey.

Module 3 - The Stock Market

Welcome to the third module of the Applications of Investing Chapter! In this module, we will branch out from the last module and, with a wide scope, look at the stock market. The Stock Market forms the basis of investing as it provides the platform for buyers and sellers to meet, and by understanding the purpose and context behind the stock market, we can develop a well rounded perspective while trading. By the end of this module, you will be able to gain a thorough understanding of important techniques and strategies to be considered when investing in the stock markets. You will also be familiar with several “golden principles” which can be vital in allowing for investment success, in addition to having the knowledge of knowing why and how stock market investments can be crucial for your growth.

Module 4 - Real Estate

Real estate can often be overcomplicated due to the minor amount of education that students and youth currently receive on the subject, and it really doesn’t have to be that way. Just having a basic amount of knowledge on this broad topic ensures that you will be better suited to navigate and choose what’s right for you in the future. Buying a house or property is one of the largest commitments and decisions in an individual’s life so having previous knowledge and know-how on the subject can ensure that you feel calm during the process and secure once you have made the decision.

Module 5 - Understanding Investing

Welcome to the fifth module of the Introduction to Investing chapter! In this module, we will be taking a step back from the last module on real estate by looking at investing strategies and tips. We will review the efficient market hypothesis in much more detail, learn the golden rules of investing, the different types of investors, and learn how to avoid common investing mistakes. By understanding not just what to invest in but how to invest, we can start making wise decisions with our money. By the end of this module, you will be able to explain the different theories of market efficiency. You will also know the fundamental rules of investing, the different investing styles, and which style is right for you. Finally, you will be able to spot common investing mistakes, and you will understand why these should be avoided.

Module 1 - Interpreting Stock Value

Welcome to the first module of Chapter 3! In this module, we’ll cover the role of the market (i.e. functions of the stock market on the economy), and basic stock analysis to identify strong business models for long-term investments (i.e. What determines the valuation of a company?). After each lesson, there will be some evaluative assignment/activity, so make sure you’re really comprehending the course material. By the end of this module, you will be able to identify the role of market relations and the basic determinants used to value businesses.

Module 2 - Identifying a Business

In this module, you’ll learn how to identify the characteristics of a strong investment, specifically Economic Moats, Porter’s 5 Forces, ROE, and more. Students begin with expanding upon the defining characteristics of a good business and learn the importance of ROE and its role in shaping expansion. Next, students understand the indications of economic moats and Porter’s 5 Forces, as well as their relationship to shaping notable corporations. Finally, the module ends with discussions on how to predict which companies thrive and which fail.

Module 3 - How to find and develop stock theses

Welcome to the fourth module of the Applications of Investing Chapter! In this module, we will move on to how companies use and create financial statements during their existence. Financial statements and its numerous types are often publicly shared by companies, and by analyzing their implications and usage, we can gain a well developed perspective on the financial standpoint of a firm and thus base our knowledge on the market upon that. By the end of this module, you will be able to identify and interpret different types of financial statements, and will be able to analyze the potential and financial positions of companies. Furthermore, you will be able to develop your own financial statements based on existing data, and gain valuable application knowledge.

Module 4 - Financial Statements

In Module 3, we will cover 5 subtopics all related to banking. Students will learn about credit and its benefits for young investors. After a thorough investigation into inflation and interest, students will then learn the power of compounding and how compounding grows their money. Students will also gain a simplified understanding of assets and liabilities, along with the ways assets and liabilities can increase net income. This module will conclude with a lesson on student loans and debt, focusing on the ways students can avoid the possibility of going into debt for the rest of their lives.

Module 5 - Intrinsic Value

Welcome to the fifth and final module of the Applications of Investing Module! In order to commit any amount of money towards an investment, it's important to know the difference between the current value of a stock, and what you believe it is worth. Understanding intrinsic value will help you do just that. By the end of this module, you will understand the concept of intrinsic value, the factors that contribute to its derivation, which factors matter most to you, and the processes by which intrinsic value is calculated. This is unquestionably one of the most difficult lessons of the course. Do not be discouraged if it takes a little bit of practice to master some of the skills highlighted throughout this module.